Dry Valley DEM generation - Presentations
Oral presentations:
Presentation at the meeting of CEOS-WGCV (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites - Working Group on Calibration and Validation), June 16, 2003, given by Claudia Carabajal in Portland, Oregon: High-resolution Airborne Laser Swath Mapping DEM's for ICESat Calibration/Validation (link to presentation: ICESatDEMs_CEOS_osu.pdf*).
(Downloads PDF file 1.4 MB/12 pages. Posted 05/06/05)
Csatho, B., T. Wilson, T. Schenk, G. McKenzie, W. Krabill and C. Hallam, 2003. Geomorphologic mapping by airborne laser scanning in Southern Victoria Land,Antarctica. 9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, September 8-12, 2003, Potsdam, Germany (link to presentation: potsdam_csatho03.pdf*).
(Downloads PDF file 3.1 MB/30 pages. Posted 05/06/05)
Presentation given by Beata Csatho at the Remote Sensing Data Seminar; organized by the Program in Spatial Statistics and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State University, February 4, 2004: Geomorphologic Mapping by Airborne Laser Scanning in the Antarctic Dry Valleys (link to presentation: stat04.pdf*).
(Downloads PDF file 7.4 MB/37 pages. Posted 05/06/05)
Csatho, B.and T. Schenk, 2004.High-resolution surface elevation data for geomorphological mapping in the West Antarctica. XXth ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, July 12-23, 2004.
Csatho, B., J. Kimble, C. Tremper, L. Everett and Y. Ahn, 2004. Toward mapping soils and geomorphology by remote sensing: an example of multi-sensor data fusion from the Dry Valleys. Antarctic Permafrost Workshop, Madison, WI, November 14-18, 2004 (link to poster: CsathoetalWI2004.jpg, link to abstract: wisconsin04_BMC_aug3.pdf*).
(Downloads JPG file 20.5 MB/1 image, and PDF file 21 KB/2 pages. Posted 03/04/05)
Paulsen, T., T. Wilson, B. Csatho, T. Schenk and W.Krabill, 2003. Airborne laser swath mapping of the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica: New means to map structure of volcanic cinder cones and volcanic alignments. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(6), Fall Meet. Suppl., G11A-0244 (link to abstract: g11a-0244.pdf*).
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