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Data Fusion

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Selected Publications and Presentations

  • Csatho, B., T. Schenk and S. Seo, 2003. Spectral interpretation based on multisensor fusion for urban mapping. In Proceedings of 2nd GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas, URBAN 2003, May 22-23, 2003, Berlin, 8-11. (pdf)

  • Schenk, T. and B. Csatho, 2002. Fusion of lidar data and aerial imagery for a more complete surface description. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 34(3A), 310-317. (pdf)

  • Baltsavias, E. P., B. Csatho, M. Hahn, A. Sieber, L. Wald, and D. Wang, 1999. Joint ISPRS/EARSeL Workshop on fusion of sensor data, knowledge sources and algorithms for extraction and classification of topographic objects. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 32(7-4-3W6), 209 pages.